A Letter from a Baseball Dad

Dear Jax,

I’m not the easiest guy to get along with! I’m definitely not the best at cheering you on… I think I make you nervous. But one thing I am great at… IS BEING SO INCREDIBLY PROUD OF YOU!!!

I’ve watched you grow into a confident leader on your baseball team. I’ve watched you cheer on your team when no one else is. Today I watched you pick up a teammate who tripped and carry his bag for him when he was hurt. Then watching a teammate strike out, you were the first one to meet her at the dugout and give her a high five and a hug and tell her not to worry!

You my friend are everything I have ever hoped you would be as an athlete and person. You Jackson have something NOT THAT MANY OTHER PEOPLE HAVE… compassion, humor and leadership.

I watched you this year work on your swing… let me tell you something, baseball is the hardest sport in the world to play! Ted Williams who is considered one of the greatest, if not THE GREATEST HITTER in the history of baseball said, “The hardest thing to do in baseball is to hit a round baseball with a round bat.” And Deion Sanders (who played nine seasons in MLB including for the Yankees, while also having a Hall of Fame NFL career at the same time) when asked the hardest thing to do in all of sports, he said “Hitting that baseball.”

For some context, remember you have been a switch hitter for six years! That means you take half as many swings as your friends and teammates, because you have to practice swinging both righty and lefty! Switch hitting, Something NOT ONE OTHER PERSON IN ALL OF A, AA, AAA leagues can do! NOT ONE!

In all of Major League Baseball there were only 17 people who could switch hit last year! ONLY 17 of 974 Major League Baseball players can do what you do (thatsmeans 957 Major League Baseball playerS CAN NOT do what you CAN do!!!).

With that being said not many players have what it takes to be a leader, a hard worker and a great teammate. I’m happy you are working lefty and happy watching you get more comfortable at the plate. I’ve never told you this, but I stopped playing baseball in high school because I never really was a good hitter. I know what it’s like to stand in the batters box and be nervous. Everyone who has ever played baseball has felt that way!

I love watching you play baseball. I am so happy when you are out there on the field! Most importantly though, I want you to be happy too! Maybe it doesn’t seem like it, but I am so proud of you. I want you to be successful and maybe I don’t tell you enough… but you are successful. You are a leader, a great player and someone who I would want on my team every single day of the week!

Love Always,


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