Who Am I?

I started this blog to record my daily thoughts, actions and antics as a new dad. I work in the education realm and usually prefer to keep a little bit of anonymity, well at least until I started this blog.  I don’t go at this alone… I’m lucky because I have an amazing cast of characters who are part of all this craziness that is parenting.

Here’s the thing about me… I’ve worked with children my whole life, but until April 27th, 2014… my interaction with children was always work related… teaching, administration, etc… now… I have my own.

I started this blog because I wanted to record all the crazy things that happen during parenthood an easy way to keep track of my little ones growing up.  The blog has slowly evolved over time and become a little more than a daily recording of funny antics.  There are some entries that allow me to tell my sons how much I love them… and some entries that allow me to apologize 😳.  But mostly, it’s about sharing the things that most dads, most parents at that, feel, but never say out loud.

I am Peter and this is my life as a (somewhat) new dad.



Top Ten Things I’m Embarrassed to Admit (but feel you should know)

10. I am patiently waiting my acceptance letter to Hogwarts ⚡️

9.   I still collect baseball cards

8.   I cried a little bit when Mufasa died, (doesn’t everyone)

7.   At one point I thought I would be a “professional” comedian (unfortunately, the only people who laugh at my jokes are… me… and my sons.)

6.   I have as many sneakers as my wife has heels (almost).

5.  I am petrified of heights

4.    EVERY.SINGLE.TIME I am in the ocean I am confident I am going to get eaten by a shark

3.    If we play a round of golf, I will lose more golf balls than you can imagine.

2.    Both my sons are going to learn how to drive a stick shift before I do.

1.    My wife won’t let me use power tools… and that’s probably a good idea.


Characters in our Story

I thought it might be important for you to meet some of the key players in Jackson and Oliver’s life.  Each of these people contribute to their growth and development in some way and since they are referenced quite often in the blog, it’s imperative you know who they are!

The Mom: Stephanie

IMG_5631 Mommy and her little twinIMG_8098

I never thought I’d meet anyone who could put up with me for more than a few days at a time.  Yet, Stephanie is still here and doesn’t seem to mind me one bit (although I’m sure her active ignoring skills have improved drastically since we first met.)

The Autie: Auntie Tricia


He clearly learned that look from her… Godmother and Helicopter Aunt, buyer of clothes, toys, bibs, games, books and anything else that they ask for. Auntie has been used as a babysitter, a dogsitter, a nurse, a cleaning lady, a chef and diaper changer and a really good baby toy builder.

The Uncle: Vinchenzo

Jax has a thing for gigantic noses Jax has a thing for gigantic noses

Vinny is a techie and enjoys asking if either of his nephews have installed iOS 8 on his new V-Tech cell phone yet.  (No he hasn’t, he downloaded too many apps and doesn’t have enough space left).  He is also responsible for buying Jax his first laptop and then quickly asking if he should install anti-virus software on it.


The Grandma: Mima

IMG_9163 Mima has tried to sneak Jax and Oliver out in her purse on numerous occasions

Mima is a collector of all things Jackson… pictures, cards, letters, photos, calendars, old clothes that smell like him, etc.  Mima enjoys spoiling Jax rotten, taking him for walks around the block (which goes in a large circle around the neighborhood, but while she gets lost in every time they go out together… I think its planned).


The Grandpa: Poppa Pete

“Gimmie that mustache!”

Poppa Pete works 397 days a year.  He travels almost as much as a nomad and does most of his Jax and Ollie time through FaceTime, Instagram and Facebook.  He is famous for his mustache (see November Post: https://newdadchronicles.wordpress.com/2014/11/14/movember/).  Jackson is obsessed with said mustache and enjoys yanking on it.


The Grandmother: Grammy

admin-ajax1 “Grammy can you teach me how to plant a garden? Mom and Dad stink at growing plants!”

Grammy is a full time nanny for the little man. She has set Jackson and Oliver on a schedule that is not only impressive, but is impossible for his mother and I to keep him on when he is home.  Sample Schedule:

8:45-9:30 Language Development (including Latin, French, Italian and sign language learning)
9:30-10:00 Motor Movements (Cross fit, and marathon training)
10:00-11:00 Algebra
11:00- 11:30 Yoga and Meditation time
11:30-12:00 Lunch
12:00-1:00 Gardening and soil testing
1:00-2:00 Trading Stocks


More protective than a parent and louder than a sonic boom.  Wednesday loved Jackson and Oliver from the first time they met, at one point or another the three of them have eaten something off the floor.

There are more… MANY MORE people that have influenced Jackson and Oliver (positive and negative I’m sure)! 

8 thoughts on “Who Am I?

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